Sabbath Conversations

DISCUSSING THE SABBATH/SUNDAY ISSUE Welcome to Sabbath Conversations. Sabbath Conversations is an initiative designed to encourage discussions on perhaps the most misunderstood, debated and contended doctrine of the Christian faith, God’s Sabbath. While most Christians agree on the other nine of God’s Ten Commandments; much contention arises when the issue of God’s Sabbath comes up.

The Gathering Storm

A storm is coming: relentless in its fury and unimaginable in its scope. It is destined to affect every person on planet earth. The ancient Jewish seer, Daniel, describes it thus, “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a

Church of Christ or Bride of Antichrist? You decide.

The Roman Catholic church claims that it is the church that Jesus Christ established on earth. But how accurate is that profession? Pope Francis sometime ago reiterated that idea by declaring that he has opened the 'door of mercy' to forgive men's sins for one year. Renowned Encyclopedia Britannica describes it thus: "The papacy is the